The Other Side

Amanda Solda
2 min readAug 7, 2019

I went through hell to see what was on the other side
Through the emptiness and infinite, nowhere to hide
I couldn’t prepare for how many times I died
But to see the light emerge from the other side
Through the fog of heavy tears that were cried,
Was a blessing made for the kindest eyes

I held on to hope and hope gave me one more
I held on to that until it ripped and it tore
I begged and I pleaded to settle the score
That’s when I remember my defeat on the floor

Maybe hell is where angels are born
Maybe hell is where we learn with scorn
Hell is not the evil you think
Even the devil plays with a wink

The dark is where you find the light
It’s not a prison, but a sacred fight
Agony births the joy and delight
And truth prevails with all your might

When you can’t find love anywhere in sight
It’s perhaps your sight that isn’t quite right
When the gifts of life seem empty and nil
Adjust your cup and allow it to fill

The other side is present inside
It can’t be separate when the creation is mine

The other side is where I’ll stay
Hears to Heaven and hell and all forces at play!



Amanda Solda

Sensitive expression/mystical perception. As above so below. Multidimensional Perspectives.